Raw footage: reaction to victory of Barack Obama in Times Square, New York City on November 4th 2008
Times Square / New York City / 2008 142 min / miniDv / SD Ref. File: AD2008/NYC/01 The bustling scene at Times Square on Tuesday night was a cross between a warm New Year’s Eve and a Super Bowl party filled with enthusiastic Giants fans. Thousands were herded into tight packs, their eyes glued to the rippling glow of digital screens, as Senator Barack Obama of Illinois won state after state on his road to winning the White House. Cheers erupted in unison when states were declared blue (most notably for the critical state of Ohio) and hisses broke out when they were declared red (mostly notably for vote-rich Texas). There were native New Yorkers, visitors from other states who had voted by absentee ballot, and international tourists who just wanted to take part in a historic night. The declaration at 9 p.m. that New York’s 34 electoral vote would go to Mr. Obama prompted rumbling chants of “O-ba-ma! O-ba-ma!” While Fox News had claimed the silent screen on 1 Times Square, the traditional perch of the New Year’s apple, ABC News had essentially claimed everything else: the digital real estate on the Reuters building, Nasdaq building and the ABC screen itself. Large speakers were set up on the central island in Times Square (though not in a way that were synced well to the screen). The crowd periodically glimpsed itself on the screen as ABC’s camera swept over the masses — in a metaphor of the 2008 election itself, where spectators, media and participants all blended together. Many seemed determined to capture a memorable night with cellphones and bulky cameras. - from The New York Times Nov 4th 2008 - |